7 Ways to Boost Your Career with Positive Language

speechbubble2jIt’s like flipping a coin. Instead of using the first expression that comes into your head, choose a form of words which basically gives the same response but which indicates a positive, can-do attitude.

A few little changes of language, and you begin to sound like a problem-solver, a team player, an energetic and confident colleague, a leader, a go-to person.

Who would have thought that a modicum of linguistic tweaking would help you to tick so many boxes? The power of language, my friends. Never underestimate it. Here are some ideas you can use to start sounding positive.

Instead of

‘I’ll have to’


‘I’m going to’

Instead of

‘I’ll try to’


‘What I’ll do is’

Instead of

‘That’s impossible’


‘That’s a challenge’

Instead of

‘I haven’t had time’


‘It will be ready by…’

Instead of

‘I could do it’


‘I’ll be glad to’

Instead of

‘I can’t help you with this’


‘This isn’t my particular field, so what I suggest…’

Instead of

‘If we manage to sort this out’


‘When we manage to sort this out’

You get the idea. In case you are worried that you will come across as a robot who is programmed to see only the positive (not a bad idea for a film! Have just copyrighted) remember you can vary the tone and style of your delivery to suit the context.

It’s OK sometimes to sound a little playful, or a little knowing, or a little wry, especially in situations where everyone knows the score. You’re not out to fool people, or to pretend to be something you’re not, but by communicating in a positive way you will gain trust and confidence from other people, but more importantly, you will increase your own self-esteem and self-confidence.

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